Registration Code Inventory and Sending Codes (Admin)

Registration Code Inventory and Sending Codes (Admin)

About the Registration Code Inventory

Your Registration Code Inventory will store and track Registration Codes for your Organization.

Adding Registration Codes to your Inventory

New codes can be added to your inventory by pasting codes into the the Import Codes field.

To import codes, from your Dashboard, click the "Registration Code Inventory" button, then click "Import Codes".

Copy your codes and paste them in the Registration Codes field, one code per line. If there are extra lines between codes, they will automatically be removed.

Sending Registration Codes

You can send Registration Codes to Users that are connected with your Organization, but have not entered a Registration Code.

To send a Registration Code, find the code that you'd like to send and click the corresponding Pencil/Paper icon  under the Send Code column. On the next page, choose a User from the list. This list contains Users that are connected to your Organization, but have not entered a Registration Code.

Blue names have not been sent a Registration Code.
Gray names have been sent Registration Codes, but have not yet entered their code.

Optionally, you can include a message to include in the email that is sent to the user along with the Registration Code. Admin Comments can be added as well. These are NOT included in the E-Mail and are for your reference only.

A User must be connected to your Organization in order for you to send them a Registration Code from your Registration Code Inventory.
If a User doesn't show up in this list or for information on connecting a User to your Organization, click here.

Example of the email sent to the User contain their Registration Code and optional message:

 If the user doesn't receive an E-Mail, please have them check their SPAM folder.

Sending a Registration Code to another User (re-sending & re-using a code)

Even if you've sent a Registration Code to a User, if they haven't used it, it can be sent to a new person.

If you have a Registration Code that was previously sent to a User, it's not consider "used" until a User enters the Registration Code to gain access to the Marriage Mentors Support System. As such, you can send a previously-sent Registration Code to a new person.

To send to a new User, find a code in your Available Registration Codes list that has person in the "Last Sent To" column and click the corresponding Pencil/Paper icon  under the Send Code column. You can then choose a new person and send them the same code.

You can also use this feature to re-send a code to the same person.

The system will track who you last send the code to under the "Last Sent To" column.

Used Registration Codes

Codes that have been imported to your Registration Code Inventory will track who used which code.

When someone uses a code that was added to your inventory, that User's information will show up in the Used Registration Codes area. This will also track if they have complete their Connect Assessment® and Relationship Survey.

You can search all fields by using the search field above the Used Registration Code table.

Registration Code Types

For more information on Registration Code Types and setting up accounts, click here.

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